eClass Grades
- Teacher's Setup for Classes
I. Your folder
- Connect to the the Server that is used for eClass in your school.
- Select the volume named Teacher's eClass Folder.
- Open the Teacher's eClass Folder, and locate your named
- Drag your named folder to your computer. Do not change the name of this folder...ever.
- Disconnect from the Server.
- From now on, your will work from your computer.
- NOTE #1:
Each teacher has an eClass Grades folder with two or more files in it.
One file will be named {school_name} Generic Class (example: MAST Generic
Class). The remainder of the files represent your class rosters. They will
be named with a random number followed by .RST (example: 61.RST, 62.RST
- Note #2:
Each teacher should have a copy on the eClass Grades program on their computer.
If NOT, contact your "techie" to get a copy loaded . A copy should
be located on the Server.
II. Setup your classes (repeat for
each class that you teach this year)
- Open your named folder with your eClass data located
your computer.
- Double click the {school_name} Generic Class file.
- Choose Import Roster from the File menu.
- Select a class from your folder to import.
- REMEMBER the class name and section {example: English (2)}. We suggest
writing down all class names/grades/section that appear for later reference.
- Click Open.
- Select Save Class As... from the File menu.
- In the Save As dialog box, type the class name you remembered/wrote
down above.
- Make sure the destination is still your classes folder on your computer.
- Click Save.
- NOTE: If a dialog asks if your want to replace the file, click Cancel!
You didn't remember to change the name!
- Quit eClass or select New Class from the file menu for your
next class.
III. Repeat
- Go to part II above for each remaining class.
- Quit eClass, saving changes to the Default Style if prompted.
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