eClass Grades

Teacher's Setup for Classes

I. Your folder

  1. Connect to the the Server that is used for eClass in your school.
  2. Select the volume named Teacher's eClass Folder.
  3. Open the Teacher's eClass Folder, and locate your named folder.
  4. Drag your named folder to your computer. Do not change the name of this folder...ever.
  5. Disconnect from the Server.
  6. From now on, your will work from your computer.
NOTE #1: Each teacher has an eClass Grades folder with two or more files in it. One file will be named {school_name} Generic Class (example: MAST Generic Class). The remainder of the files represent your class rosters. They will be named with a random number followed by .RST (example: 61.RST, 62.RST ...).
Note #2: Each teacher should have a copy on the eClass Grades program on their computer. If NOT, contact your "techie" to get a copy loaded . A copy should be located on the Server.

II. Setup your classes (repeat for each class that you teach this year)

  1. Open your named folder with your eClass data located your computer.
  2. Double click the {school_name} Generic Class file.
  3. Choose Import Roster from the File menu.
  4. Select a class from your folder to import.
  5. REMEMBER the class name and section {example: English (2)}. We suggest writing down all class names/grades/section that appear for later reference.
  6. Click Open.
  7. Select Save Class As... from the File menu.
  8. In the Save As dialog box, type the class name you remembered/wrote down above.
  9. Make sure the destination is still your classes folder on your computer.
  10. Click Save.
NOTE: If a dialog asks if your want to replace the file, click Cancel! You didn't remember to change the name!
Quit eClass or select New Class from the file menu for your next class.

III. Repeat

Go to part II above for each remaining class.
Quit eClass, saving changes to the Default Style if prompted.

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