eClass Grades

Uploading Grades


NOTE: Classes should have been setup & grades entered before this operation.


  1. Connect to the Server that is used for eClass in your school.
  2. Now, back to your own computer: Open your first eClass file that you'd like to work with.
  3. Head to the File menu and select Export Term Marks.
  4. The Export Term Marks window will appear.
  5. Select only the marking period(s), mid-term or final exam containing grades to upload.
  6. Select the appropriate marking period to "link" with your comments. (Currently exams do not have comments)
  7. Click on the Change Destination button.
  8. Navigate to your named folder in the Teacher's eClass Folder on the Server and highlight it.
  9. Click on Select "{your name}" at the bottom of the window.
  10. You will be returned to the Export Term Marks window.
  11. You are finally ready to upload your grades info by hitting the OK button in the Export Term Marks window.
  12. Repeat the steps above for each of your remaining classes.
  13. Quit eClass, saving changes to the Default Style if prompted.
  14. Disconnect from the Server that was used above.

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