Using the List Students Group Function
You can use the List Students function to create a list of selected students and related PowerSchool data fields. You can then print the list from your Web browser or export it to another application (such as Excel) and print it from there. The latter option gives you more flexibility in formatting and is especially helpful with longer lists.
List Students:
1. Search for a group of students and make a selection.
2. From the Group Functions pulldown menu, select List Students.
3. Enter a Report Title name, such as Student Helpers.
4. Type a field name, or click on a field from the Fields list.
5. Then add a name for the Column Title (example:lastfirst
in Field Name, andName
in Column Title).
6. Specify what additional columns you want on the list by adding more Field Names and Column Titles.
7. Format with padding (white space) if you wish.
8. In the Other Options, check Gridlines to display a grid, or check the Export box to create a text file(.txt) export.
9. Indicate which field you want to sort the list by.
10. Click Submit.
Examples (use FireFox web browser for the best results):Cumulative GPAs: To obtain a list of students with their Cumulative GPAs, use the following as an additional column:
*gpa method="Weighted Percent" type="cumulative"
in Field Name, andCumulative_GPA
in Column Title
Paste in the exact blue text into the Field Name and the exact gold text into the Column Title
Current Year Projected GPAs: To obtain a list of students with their Current Year Projected GPAs, use the following as an additional column:
*gpa method="Semester7ProjectedGPA404020CurYrOnly" type="Projected"
in Field Name, andCurrent Year GPA Projected Q1_40 Q2_40 M1_20
in Column Title
Paste in the exact blue text into the Field Name and the exact gold text into the Column Title
"Semester 7 GPA" with Cumulative GPA at 6/7 weight and Current Year Projected GPA at 1/7 weight: To obtain a list of 12th grade students with their "Semester 7 GPA"s, use the following as an additional column:
*gpa method="Semester7ProjectedGPA404020"
in Field Name, andSemester 7 GPA
in Column Title
Paste in the exact blue text into the Field Name and the exact gold text into the Column Title
Be sure to check the Export box under Other Options, then click Submit.
After some processing time, a text file will be generated with your data.
Open the resulting file, named studentlist2.txt or studentlist3.txt or similar using Microsoft Excel.
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