PowerTeacher TechNote:

Term Weights & Category Weights in PowerTeacher Gradebook

Term Weights

Use this option to calculate the Y1 final grade based on term weight.

Term Weights Setup:

1. On the Grade Setup tab in PowerTeacher, click on a reporting term in the upper portion. The bottom portion of the page includes the options for Total Points, Term Weights, or Category Weights.
2. Mark the bubble to select " Term weights."
3. The available terms will display in the table.
4. Allocate the appropriate weight to each term. It is common to enter weights that equal 100. It is also possible to enter "0" in order to exclude a particular term from the calculation.
5. Click Save.

See examples below for more info.

Category Weights

Use this option to calculate the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 final grade based on assignment categories.

Category Weights Setup:

1. On the Grade Setup tab in PowerTeacher, click on a reporting term in the upper portion. The bottom portion of the page includes the options for Total Points, Term Weights, or Category Weights.
2. Mark the bubble to select " Category weights."
3. Click on " add category" to view a list of categories already created in the gradebook.
4. Select the categories to use in the final grade and click OK.
5. Allocate the appropriate weight to the category. It is common to enter weights that equal 100.
6. Click Save.

See examples below for more info.

Examples - Term Weights and Category Weights setup

Typical Term Weights for a single quarter class:

Calculate term Y1 final grade using Term Weights:
Q1 worth 90% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
F1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation

Typical Term Weights for a semester long class:

Calculate term Y1 final grade using Term Weights:
Q1 worth 40% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
M1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
Q2 worth 40% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
F1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation

Typical Term Weights for a year long class:

Calculate term Y1 final grade using Term Weights:
Q1 worth 20% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
Q2 worth 20% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
M1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
Q3 worth 20% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
Q4 worth 20% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
F1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation

Typical Category Weights for a quarter long, semester long or year long class:

Example for Q1: Category Weights assigned to calculate the Q1 based on categories of
Assignments in Category of Homework worth 5% of the term Q1 final grade calculation
Assignments in Category of Participation worth 10% of the term Q1 final grade calculation
Assignments in Category of Project/Presentation worth 45% of the term Q1 final grade calculation
Assignments in Category of Quiz/Test worth 40% of the term Q1 final grade calculation

Note: Categories are Based on MCVSD approved subject area weights, and may vary by specific subject area.

Assistance is available via PowerTeacher Gradebook Help (Launch PowerTeacher Gradebook and click on the "?" icon or click the Help menu--->Contents).

If there are any questions, please contact the Guidance staff at your school, or contact the MCVSD Tech Group for assistance.

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