PowerSchool TechNote:

PowerSchool: Special Reports

There are a number of Special Reports now available on our PowerSchool Server. These reports are not available via the normal PowerSchool report pages/menus.

Before running any of these reports, please login to PowerSchool first, then click on the links below. Please do not bookmark the individual report URL's below, as they may change in the future.

Last Grade Update
Low Current Grades
Current Grades by Percent
Current "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades
Manually Overridden Grades
MCVSD Grade Distribution Report
Student Birthday List
Course Analysis by Gender
Sub Finder
Course Information List
Sections Information List
Instructional Time
Room Availability
Room Conflicts
Teacher Free Report
Student Free Report
Live Section Load Report
Bus List
Course Enrollment Counts
Student Alerts List
Daily Attendance Info
Count of Students Present
Absentee Report (with Home School)
Attendance Count by Year and Code (NJ School Report Card data collection)
Attendance Count by Student, Year and Code
PowerScheduler Class Rosters
Stored Percent Grades Export (Historical Grades)
Stored Percent Grades Report
Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades (single reporting term)
Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades (all reporting terms)
PowerTeacher Gradebook Vs. Stored Grades
Final Grade Setups

PowerTeacher Gradebook Preferences
Class Counts
Data Validation (NJ State Reports)

Last Grade Update

This report displays the last time a teacher updated grades or added an assignment in their PowerTeacher Gradebook. With this report, you can easily list PowerTeacher Gradebook updates older than X day(s) in a sortable report output (sort by teacher, course number, course name or by date last updated).

Launch the Last Grade Update Report

Notes: Keep in mind that any current class that does not have any grade data entered will be omitted from displaying/printing on our MCVSD report cards and transcripts.

Low Current Grades

This report will output out a list of students with low/high current grades for the term you specify. The report will run for all the students in the school. The information is pulled from the data table that keeps track of current grades, so please keep in mind the information will only be as up-to-date as the teacher's use of the PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Launch the Low Current Grades Report

Notes: Enter a single Reporting Term to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
Set the pull down menu to Percents
Set the Highest % to 55 and Lowest % to 0 to find students with grades at or below 55%
Run the report again, and set the Highest % to 200 and Lowest % to 100.001 to find students with grades above 100%

When the report is generated, a Grade of -- and Percent of 0 indicates that the student does not have any grades recorded.

Current Grades by Percent

This report (an improvement on the Low Current Grades report above) will output out a list of current grades for the term you specify. The report will run for all the students in the school or can be run for the "current selection" of students. The information is pulled from the data table that keeps track of current grades, so please keep in mind the information will only be as up-to-date as the teacher's use of the PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Launch the Current Grades by Percent Report

Notes: Select a single Reporting Term from the pull-down menu to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
Set the Max % to 55 and Min % to 0 to find students with grades at or below 55%
Run the report again, and set the Max % to 200 and Min % to 100.001 to find students with grades above 100%

You can also select the Minimum # of Matches before a student appears in the report output.

Current "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades

This report will print out a list of students with current "Inc" (Incomplete) letter grades for the reporting term you specify. The report will run for all the students in the school. The information is pulled from the data table that keeps track of current grades, as entered in teacher's PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Current "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades Report

Notes: Select a single Reporting Term (Store Code) to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
The Letter Grade of Inc will be pre-entered.

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

Manually Overridden Grades

This report lists all grades for a selected term in the current school year that have been assigned by using the Manual Override function in PowerTeacher Gradebook. It is not necessary to store grades before using this report since the information is pulled directly from teacher's PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Manually Overridden Grades Report

MCVSD Grade Distribution Report

This special report provides better results than the "built-in" PowerSchool report, since it will display percentage grades in our MCVSD ranges. Before running this report, grades must be stored for the requested reporting term (we typically store grades at the end of a marking period). It reports from the historical (stored) grade table. Sort options are by Course Name, Course Number, or Teacher Name.

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

Notes: Enter a single Reporting Term to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1

Launch the MCVSD Grade Distribution Report

Student Birthday List

This report will generate a list of students with birth dates in the selected month(s).

Launch the Student Birthday List Report

Course Analysis by Gender

A course analysis report of section enrollment by gender for the current term.

Notes: This report may take a LONG time to generate and display in your browser, please be patient. In addition, if your report does not output any data, change to a different "Term" at the top of the PowerSchool page (select semester or full year instead of marking period), then re-run the report.

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

Launch the Course Analysis by Gender Report

Sub Finder

This report lists teachers that PowerSchool believes are free to provide coverage for a selected staff member on a particular day.

Example: If Jane Doe will be out on 5/18/14, select the 18th, then select Teacher: Jane Doe before clicking Submit. Hyperlinked names of teachers available to cover will appear in the resulting grid, with pop-up access to their specific schedules.

Launch the Sub Finder Report

Course Information List

This report will list some key elements of the active courses in your school, including Course Number, Course Name, Course Credits and more.

Launch the Course Information List Report

Sections Information List

This report will list some key elements of the active sections in your school.

Launch the Sections Information List Report

Instructional Time

This report will list how many hours/minutes a section meets.

Launch the Instructional Time Report

Room Availability

This reports finds all available rooms for a specified term, period and day in the rotation.

Launch the Room Availability Report

Room Conflicts

This reports finds all rooms that have more than 1 section scheduled during a day and period.

Launch the Room Conflicts Report

Teacher Free Report

This reports finds all periods where a teacher in your school does not have a course on a given day.

Launch the Teacher Free Report

Student Free Report

This report finds all periods where a student in your school does not have a course on a given day.

Launch the Student Free Report

Bus List Report

List all student's bus (Transportation) data.

Notes: This list outputs data for all currently enrolled students in the school. You can then sort by grade level, last name, bus company, etc. Data can be exported to PDF, Excel, CSV, copied or printed as-is. May be useful for emergency plan binders, or if you need to quickly identify which students ride a specific bus.

To Launch the Bus List Report, click on Reports-->sqlReports-->Transportation-->Bus_Transportation_All_Data_CurrSchl then click submit to run the report.

Live Section Load Report

Find Section information such as Course name, Expression, Active, Max and Grade breakdown.

Launch the Live Section Load Report

Course Enrollment Counts

Count of the number of sections and number of students enrolled in those sections for all courses for the year.

Launch the Course Enrollment Counts Report

Student Alerts List

This report will list those students with alerts based on your alert choice. Possible alerts to list are Discipline Alerts, Medical Alerts, and Guardian Alerts.

Launch the Student Alerts List Report

Notes: Student Discipline, Medical or Guardian alerts are found in the following locations:

Select a Student, then select an alert from the Information or Administration menus on the left side of the Student Screen.
Log Entries--->Edit Discipline Alert (e.g., Detention each Monday at 2:40pm until further notice.)
Emergency/Medical--->Medical Alert (e.g., Allergic to Soylent Green.)
Parents/Guardian--->Guardian Alert (e.g., Grandmother Lena allowed to sign student out.)

Daily Attendance Info

This report will produce an attendance listing (including attendance comments) for the day the report is run. If your school does not enter daily attendance comments, then another report, such as the Individual Student Absence Summary (available via "Print a Report" link) is recommended instead of this report.

Launch the Daily Attendance Info Report

Count of Students Present

This report will display how many students are/were in the building on a particular day.

Launch the Count of Students Present Report

Absentee Report (with Home School)

This daily attendance report will produce an Absentee Report (including Home School) for the specified date. This report is very similar to the built-in Absentee Report, however this customized version will only work with Daily attendance data.

Launch the Absentee Report (with Home School) Report

Attendance Count by Year and Code (NJ School Report Card data collection)

This report provides a summary of the number of students who have 1-4, 5-9, or 10+ instances of a single attendance code OR all attendance codes, all present codes, and all absent codes. Our "NJ School Report Card" data collection report requires UE (Unexcused) data with each student counted only once in each of the three categories (1-4, 5-9 or 10+ unexcused absences).

Notes: Be sure to set the correct full-year Term at the top of the page first, then select the same School Year in the report's pull-down menu, select UE for Attendance Code, and Daily before clicking the Submit button.

Launch the Attendance Count by Year and Code Report

Attendance Count by Student, Year and Code

This report lists counts of attendance by student, year and attendance code type.

Notes: Be sure to set the correct full-year Term at the top of the page first, then select the same School Year in the report's pull-down menu, and select Daily before clicking the Submit button.

Launch the Attendance Count by Student, Year and Code Report

PowerScheduler Class Rosters

This report will generate class rosters prior to the schedule being committed, using PowerScheduler data (please use a different report to output class rosters during the school year). You can set report parameters to show the name of the students and their grade levels for next year.

Notes: Before running the report, be sure to select your Active PowerScheduler build name in the "Choose a Build" list. Additional notes appear at the top of the report screen.

Launch the PowerScheduler Class Rosters Report

Stored Percent Grades Export (Historical Grades, Currently Enrolled Students Only)

This tool will export stored/historical grades for the school year and reporting term store code you specify. The export will run for all CURRENTLY ENROLLED students in the school, it will not output data for any graduated students (contact Tech Group for graduated student data assistance). Information is pulled from the historical grades data table that keeps track of stored grades from current or previous years.

Launch the Stored Percent Grades Export

Notes: Select the desired Term at upper right to export data from a past year, such as 13-14 2013-2014
Enter a single Store Code (Reporting Term Code) to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
Enter desired Fields to Export

Example Fileds to Export:

Click Submit

This export may take a LONG time to generate and display/dowload in your browser, please be patient.

The completed export will either output as a .txt file or displayed in your browser window (depending on the browser) and can easily be opened in Excel or pasted into a Google Sheet for further analysis, if desired.

Stored Percent Grades Report

This report will report a list of students with stored grades in a specific percent range for the term you specify. The report will run for all the students in the school. The information is pulled from the historical grades data table that keeps track of stored grades, so the information will only be as up-to-date as the most recent stored grades operation. Do not confuse this with the Low Current Grades report, since they pull from different data tables (historical/stored versus live PowerTeacher Gradebook grades).

Launch the Stored Percent Grades Report

Notes: Enter a single Reporting Term (Store Code) to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
Enter a Cutoff Grade Percent - High
Enter a Cutoff Grade Percent - Low
Select a School Year to Display

This report may take a LONG time to generate and display in your browser if a large number of students in your school match the search parameters, please be patient.

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades (displays data from a single reporting term)

This report will report a list of students with stored "Inc" (Incomplete) letter grades for the reporting term you specify. The report will run for all the students in the school. The information is pulled from the historical grades data table that keeps track of stored grades, so the information will only be as up-to-date as the most recent stored grades operation.

Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades Report (single reporting term)

Notes: Select a single Reporting Term (Store Code) to use in the lookup, such as Q1
Run the report again to lookup other Reporting Terms such as Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1
The Letter Grade of Inc will be pre-entered.
Select a School Year to Display

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades (displays data from all reporting terms)

This report will print out a list of students with stored "Inc" (Incomplete) letter grades for all reporting terms. The report will run for all the students in the school. The information is pulled from the historical grades data table that keeps track of stored grades, so the information will only be as up-to-date as the most recent stored grades operation.

Stored "Inc" (Incomplete) Letter Grades Report (all reporting terms)

Notes: Switch to the full year term before running this report

The completed report can easily be copied & pasted into Excel for further analysis, if desired.

PowerTeacher Gradebook Vs. Stored Grades

This report will show discrepancies between stored/historical grades and current grades in PowerTeacher Gradebook for all active courses. The change in percent score is displayed in your browser. If the PowerTeacher Gradebook value is lower than the stored grade value then the box is red, if it is higher then it's green. If the percents match but the letter grades do not, then the last box will not be shaded (typically due to a "completed" Incomplete).

This is a useful report to run just before the Tech Group performs a "re-store" operation, since the report summarizes the differences between live data & stored data.

Launch the PowerTeacher Gradebook Vs. Stored Grades Report

Notes: Y1 grades in PowerTeacher Gradebook are a moving target during the school year. Until the course is complete, Y1 data will change each time a new assignment grade is entered by the teacher. This report will show changes to all reporting terms, including Y1.

Updated Report: Now provides the ability to sort resulting data by any of these five columns: Teacher, Course, Crs Num, Student or Term. To sort, simply click on one of these hyperlinked column titles once your data is displayed.

Final Grade Setups

This report allows you to view how teachers setup their PowerTeacher Gradebook Final Grades. A benefit of this report is the ability to see multiple courses, multiple teachers Final Grade Setups via the PowerSchool admin interface. You can run this report to verify that teachers are using Category Based Weighting for each Reporting Term, Total Points for the typical M1 and F1 Reporting Terms, and most importantly, Term Based Weighting for all Y1 overall Reporting Term. This report eliminates the need to log in with the teacher to their PowerTeacher Gradebook and manually verify all course's Final Grade Setups.

Launch the Final Grade Setups Report

Notes: Start with a valid Course Term for your school, such as full-year (2013-2014 13-14) a single Semester (13-14 Semester 1), or single Marking Period (13-14 Marking Period 1).
Select a Store Code from the pulldown menu such as Q1 Q2 M1 Q3 Q4 F1 Y1, or select All Bins to show all.
Select the default of All Departments.
Pick a single Course or All Courses, and pick a single Teacher or All Courses.
Leave the Setup Type selector at Any Setup.
Click Submit.

An example report setup would be to pick a valid Course Term, select the Y1 Store Code and search All Courses and All Courses. This will generate a report that you can scroll down to scan for a Weighting Type TermBasedWeighting for all Y1 Store Codes. If you see any Y1's with CategoryBasedWeighting or Setup Type of TotalPoints, those teachers need to be contacted ASAP so they can change to the proper Term Based Weighting for all Y1 Reporting Terms, and also verify they have the correct Category Based Weighting for each Reporting Term.

Updated Report: Now provides ability to sort the resulting data by any of the displayed columns, such as Teacher, Setup Type, Store Code, Weighting Type and more. To sort, simply click on one of these hyperlinked column titles once your data is displayed.

PowerTeacher Gradebook Preferences

This report allows administrators & guidance to quickly display current PowerTeacher Gradebook preferences for all campus staff.
When run, it will list your teacher's PowerTeacher Gradebook preferences for Rounding/Truncating and Decimal place accuracy.
Gradebook preference data should match the district PowerTeacher Gradebook standards as outlined here.

Approximation Method: When calculating a grade the value should be: Rounded
Accuracy: Store calculated grades with up to 0 (Zero) decimal places

Note: All MCVSD Staff are required to use these exact settings in order to maintain a consistent PowerTeacher/PowerSchool reporting and data storage process.
If a teacher's Gradebook preferences differ from these district standards, please work with staff to make the necessary corrections ASAP.

Launch the PowerTeacher Gradebook Preferences Report

Class Counts

This report counts the number of students & sections and provides an average number of students/section.
Will only report as of the "Count as of" date, so to see semester one and semester two data, you will need to search once using a date in semester one, then again using a date in semester two.

Launch the Class Counts Report

Data Validation (NJ State Reports)

Data Validation (NJ State Reports) for the NJSMART Course Submission, NCLB and Enrollment Data Verification reports.

Launch the Data Validation (NJ State Reports)


If there are any questions, please contact the Tech Group.

Need help from the Tech Group? Use the Online
MCVSD "Information Technology Help Request" form


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